Program Services

Birth to Three Developmental Center offers a wide range of program services to support children and families.

Developmental Screening

Developmental Screening is a quick look at how a child is learning and growing. People trained to determine if a child is developing like other children do screenings. If a child's development is a concern, a family resources coordinator can share information on how to get a complete evaluation for the child.

Evaluation & Assessment

Evaluation is a way to see if a child is eligible for early intervention services. The evaluation will occur only with written permission and at no cost to the parent or guardian. The evaluation is done with the parent, the child and early intervention professionals. Following the evaluation, the parent and other members of the team will talk about what the child is doing and identify any concerns. If there are areas of delay, the child may be eligible for early intervention services. Evaluation looks at these areas of development:

Assessment is an ongoing collection of information that looks at the child's strengths and needs. Assessments are used to make sure that the child is getting the kind of help needed while the child is receiving services.

Occupational and Physical Therapy

Occupational and Physical Therapy includes increasing a child's skills in the areas of eye-hand coordination, balance, gross motor movements and/or self-care. Since children spend most of their time away from the center, we strive to incorporate families in all aspects of their child's program so learning can occur at home and in community settings.

Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-Language Therapy includes increasing how much a child communicates, improving how a child expresses his or her wants and needs though speech, sign language, gestures or augmentative systems and/or improving what a child understands. Therapists will make suggestions about ways to incorporate ideas for communication at home and in the community.

Oral Motor & Feeding Therapy

Oral Motor & Feeding Therapy includes assisting children with the coordination and movement of the jaw, throat, lips and tongue to improve feeding skills such as sucking from a bottle, drinking from a cup or spoon-feeding.

Early Education and Playgroups

Early Education and Playgroups provide a stimulating and nurturing environment for children to learn and practice new skills during play. Special Instruction Services are designed to promote the development of new skills in the following areas: reasoning and problem solving, social interaction, large muscle movements, hand-eye coordination and self-help. Playgroups include developmentally appropriate free play, fine motor table activities, circle time, gross motor activities and snack time. We also provide a home and community-based educator who works with children and families in their homes or child care environments.

Family Resources Coordination

Family Resources Coordination is provided by professionals who assist children and families in accessing early intervention services and other community resources. As a single point of contact, Family Resources Coordinators help families become informed about their rights and available resources.

Parent Education and Support

Parent Education and Support is provided through the process if interactions with professional staff as families actively participate in their child's early intervention programs, assessments and the development of Individualized Family Service Plans. Classes are also taught by professionals from Birth to Three Developmental Center and the community.

Lending Library

Our Lending Library is available for all family members and is designed to provide parents and caregivers with an opportunity to check out books and videotapes on special topics, or to enjoy the use of a quiet space to read while your child is participating in services. Materials include books, resource information and videotapes on a variety of topics especially designed to meet our families' needs. Books and tapes are available for check out.
